This letter is in response to the letter from David Marquis (Sept. 19).

In his letter, he claims that Republicans are trying to make it more difficult for minorities and poor people to vote. He thinks that asking for proof of residence is somehow preventing people from voting. No, it isn’t. It is preventing people from voting multiple times.

The Democrats try to portray themselves as the party of the working man. All anyone has to do is look at the people leading the parties to see who truly knows what it is like to work for a living. Would it be the leader of the Democrats, Senate President Justin Alfond (trust fund) or the leader of the Republican Party, Gov. Paul LePage, a man who truly worked his way up from the streets to become successful.

I don’t know about other people but I sure wasn’t born with any gold spoon in my mouth.

Marquis brings up the 54 times Republicans at the national level voted against the Affordable Care Act — the “free health care” that everyone will get. I remember the last “free health care” that was promised by the Democrats. It was called Dirigo Health. Former Gov. John Baldacci sold it to the public as free, being paid for by the savings of the insurance companies. That “free health care” ended up costing between $160 million and $180 million a year.

Doesn’t sound free to me.

If a Democrat tells people it is “free,” he means only until after the election.

Glenn Chateauvert, Greene