Name: Matthew Roy

Physical Address: 357 Randall Road, Lewiston

Occupation: Health care food service worker

Political Affiliation: Republican

Androscoggin County District 3: Durham, Greene and southern section of Lewiston

Age: 29


Phone number: 240-4391

Community Organizations: member Lewiston School Committee, Young Professionals of the Lewiston Auburn Area

Why are you running for the Androscoggin County Commission? I am running for county commissioner because I value public service and using my experiences to give back to my community.

What skills would you bring to the role of commissioner? Since January, I have been a member of the Lewiston School Committee, which has given me insight on how the different levels of government work with each other. Also, my academic background is in business administration and accounting.

Androscoggin County is changing its structure by expanding the commission, and it will soon have a professional administrator. What changes would you like to see the county make? I would like the county to have a more business-oriented approach as compared to a governmental approach. The county should be dynamic and responsive to the citizens of the county. The new charter gives the commission a chance to look at its governance and to align it with the needs of the county.

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