PERU — Selectmen on Monday evening accepted the resignation of board member Danny Wing, who cited health reasons for his decision.

Selectmen will decide next week whether to hold a special election to fill the vacancy on the five-member board.

Road Commissioner Joe Roach, who is also the E-911 addressing officer, requested that selectmen formally adopt the name of MacKinnon Road for an unnamed road accepted by the town in 1962 or 1963. The road needs to be formally named so it can be added to official E-911 maps and he can assign an address, he said.

Selectman Larry Snowman said state law requires a formal name for any road serving two or more properties, regardless of whether it is a private or public way.

Selectman Jim Pulsifer said MacKinnon Road is shown on the town tax maps but not the official E-911 map. He said the road only has a 25-foot right of way, which does not conform to current town requirements.

The road serves one house and several properties.


The board agreed to adopt the name.

Also Monday, Roach presented selectmen with an agreement among Jay, Livermore Falls and Livermore that permitted the towns to loan each other equipment. He suggested that Peru enter into a similar agreement with neighboring towns, pointing out that when there was an emergency requiring equipment, such as a plow truck, it was usually in the early hours of the morning.

The proposed agreement would outline the conditions of such loans and give the road commissioners authority to make them.

Last week, selectmen agreed to loan Dixfield officials a shoulder machine to help them determine if they wanted to purchase similar equipment.

Roach also announced that paving on Gammon Road is complete and the shoulder work would be done in the next few weeks.

Selectmen decided to put off ordering the new road department truck for another week as they continue to seek a lower price through the state.

A public hearing on the General Assistance ordinance will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 20, at the Town Office, followed by the selectmen meeting. A public hearing on the status and finances of the Peru Community Center will be held at 7 p.m. in the Community Center.

At the beginning of Monday’s meeting, Chairman Lee Merrill requested a moment of silence in memory of the resident who recently lost her life.