I am writing to support Jared Golden for Lewiston’s State House District 60.

I first met him in 1983. Our parents, friends since the ’50s, grew up together in a small central Maine town. He grew up with an example set by incredibly hardworking parents and he emulates their strong work ethic. He served in Afghanistan and Iraq as a U.S. Marine, and later returned home and earned degrees in politics and history from Bates College.

He has also been a volunteer teacher in Afghanistan, worked in Afghanistan and Iraq for a logistics company, and worked as a legislative aide in both the U.S. Senate and the Maine Legislature.

His wide range of experiences, coupled with his strong moral character and diligent work ethic, is why he is an exceptionally qualified candidate to represent Lewiston in Augusta.

The people of Lewiston should consider voting for Jared Golden.

Emily Dooling, Winthrop

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