I am currently a patrol supervisor and have been employed by the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office since 1995.

When asked who I support for sheriff of Androscoggin County, I support Eric Samson. Here are three primary reasons:

• Visionary leadership — Samson has a plan to steer the sheriff’s office into the 21st century. His goal is to provide a high level of public service and he has a plan on how to accomplish that while being fiscally responsible.

• Experience — Samson has extensive experience in the corrections, law enforcement and administrative positions within the sheriff’s office.

• Compassion — Samson is a man of integrity and genuine concern. I have seen firsthand his genuine care and concern for his employees, their families, and the people of this community.

His personal integrity, reliability and conscientious service is remarkable. With confidence and assurance, I wholeheartedly endorse Eric Samson as the next Androscoggin County sheriff.

Tim Kachnovich, Livermore

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