President Obama is open to so many investigations that the public must examine those who were silent as they represented us in office and now seek re-election of higher position.

Why should voters choose Mike Michaud or Chellie Pingree, who support Obama more than 90 percent of the time

Are people ready for them to invite anyone, friend or foe, or any disease across the southern border?

Is the anemic jobs recovery OK while Obama’s EPA chokes job creation and eliminates coal electricity generation and regulates on whims; or the IRS seizing thousands of small business deposits on mere suspicion of drug activities?

People elected a temporary president, not a king to rule with a pen, yet Democrats oppose investigations and lie, then expect rewards for nothing.

For my grandchildren, I see no Maine Democrat worthy of votes and will, for once, vote total Republican, state and local.

It’s about ethics.

Larry Mayes, Lewiston

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