NEW GLOUCESTER — Selectmen on Monday began planning for 20 capital spending requests from town departments.

Once the requests are reviewed and prioritized by the Capital Improvement Planning Committee, the Board of Selectmen will determine amounts to go before voters at the annual town meeting in May.

The board also approved plans and schedules for pavement management, Public Works vehicle/equipment replacements, transfer station equipment and fire/rescue replacements. The pavement management plan is at least three years in arrears due to postponing projects because of high costs.

In other business, the board discussed New Gloucester Water District Chairman Steven Johnson’s letter requesting the town help provide winter maintenance, such as plowing the access road and parking area of the new pump station, as well as clearing critical areas of the station, including the entrance, backup generator panel, electrical meter, clearwell sampling area and propane fill area.

“Additionally, NGWD requests the town provide clearing of each fire hydrant to allow for fire protection,” Johnson wrote.

An amendment of the agreement between the town and the water district seeks to formalize the Fire Operations Standard Operating Procedure, which requires the New Gloucester Fire Department to pump hydrants after use, particularly during the winter, when freezing could occur.


Selectman Nathaniel Berry IV said, “I want something worked out. I don’t think it’s feasible for the Public Works person to get out of their truck and start shoveling.”

There are 11 hydrants between the Bald Hill Road water facility and Upper Gloucester.

“I can’t see asking volunteers (fire and rescue) who are paid $9 per call to shovel,” Selectman Joshua McHenry said. “It is not smart to ask volunteers to shovel.” 

The board agreed to have a plan worked out when the town manager, fire chief and Public Works director meet.

The water district is managed by three volunteer trustees and has no staff resources, other than those provided by the town.

Operation of the system is provided through a contractual agreement with the Auburn Water District that does not include winter maintenance services.

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