FARMINGTON — The third annual Speakeasy Benefit Dance Party raised $5,045 for the Farmington Care and Share Food Closet.

Ticket sales and donations reached $3,545, which is over $300 more than last year. A matching donation by Franklin Savings Bank added $1,500 to the total.

The 1920s-theme dance party Nov. 8 turned the Homestead Kitchen Bar and Bakery into a Prohibition-era speakeasy called The Safari Club. Every table was full and the dance floor was crowded with people dancing to jazz provided by the South Strong Road Crew and Friends, organizers said.

Everyone had lots of fun supporting a good cause, said Sherry Walrath, one of the organizers. “The generosity of people in our community means that lots of children and their families will have something to eat this winter,” she said.

“The generosity of people in our community is amazing,” said Anna Mather of the Homestead. “A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who helped.”