Wilton Area Food Pantry open

WILTON — The Wilton Area Food Pantry will be open the fourth Saturday of each month, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., for Wilton residents who need to apply for food. Bring proof of residence.

In November, the pantry will be open on Nov. 22.

For more information, call 645-3526.

Service on Thanksgiving morning

MADRID — A Thanksgiving Day service will be held at Reeds Mill Church on Reeds Mill Road at 10 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 27.


Bring family and friends to celebrate this holiday in a way that truly reflects our thanks. All are invited.

For directions or more information, call Ginni at 639-2713.

Daughters’ Christmas party is Dec. 3

JAY — On Nov. 12 the Daughters of Isabella Circle 677 from St. Rose of Lima held their monthly business meeting. Rita Crowley read the minutes from the October business meeting.

Get-well cards were sent to Father Jim Martell, Irene Castonguay and Beverly Fournier. Regent Denise Rodzen read a letter she received from International. Annette Melanson asked everyone to bring in some non-perishable food for the Christmas baskets.

The Daughters’ Christmas party will be held on Wednesday, Dec. 3, at LaFleur’s.

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