Wake up, America. Radical evildoers are knocking at the door.

A third jihad is underway with a true agenda to infiltrate, dominate and destroy the Western way of life, and to establish a global caliphate that rules the world.

Radical Islamists see it as their duty to wage a holy war against non-believers — a war with very deep roots.

Clear-thinking citizens who express concern are often labeled as Islamophobic by the liberal left. However, the radical Islamic version of Islam, as well as its interpretation of the Quran’s moral values, is a real cause for alarm.

Radicals’ devotion to Shariah rule of law for one and all supports their thinking that the Western world can be destroyed from within using a global media campaign with a secular outlook that attempts to justify its crimes against humanity by calling on the concept of moral relativism that denies that evil exists.

Loren Feldman, Sabattus

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