JAY — A Chesterville man and child escaped injury Sunday when the sport utility vehicle they were riding in skidded off East Jay Road and ended up on its roof against a tree, police Chief Richard Caton IV said Monday.

The SUV was going around a corner and coming down a hill when it skidded off the road, hit a rock wall and rolled onto its roof before stopping against a large tree, according to Cpl. Jeffrey Fournier’s report, Caton said.

The accident occurred at 2:27 p.m.

Allen Wright, 38, of Chesterville and his child passenger, whose name was not immediately available, were not injured, he said.

The 2002 Ford Escape received heavy damage.

About an hour later, Fournier responded to another accident on the East Jay Road. A vehicle skidded off the road and went over an embankment and struck rocks in a brook, Caton said. No other information on the accident was available Monday.


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