Coach: Shawn Schultz (11th year)

Conference: Mid-State League Class: C

Returning athletes: Seniors — Angus Koller, Tyler Lewandowski, Ryan Scott; Junior — Emily Levasseur; Sophomores — Calvin Thompson, Christof Fox.

Key losses: Stewart Buzzell, James Gambino.

Promising newcomers: Seniors — Brandon Brown, Teb Dolloff, Garret Schultz, Brenton Thompson; Juniors — Kyler Czerepanyn, Ben Larson, Dalton Sawtelle; Freshmen — Devin Allen, Andrew Blundon, Abram Sirois.

Season outlook: The Mustangs will be hard pressed to replace a two-time state champion in Buzzell. Calvin Thompson (second at 106) and Levasseur (third at 113) scored big points in the state meet a year ago. Numbers are up, but much of the roster is relatively unproven. Koller, Lewandowski and Scott all scored regional and state points early in their careers and hope for a bounce-back season.