Coach: Scott Jennings (second year)

Conference: KVAC Class: A

Last year’s results: Fifth in East regional; tied for 10th in state.

Returning athletes: Senior — J.T. Williams; Juniors — Will Gunter, Terry Storer, Josh Winters; Sophomores — Hunter Centeio, Levi Libby, Austin Seeley, Michael Voter.

Key losses: Nick Hickey, Daniel Reed, Tyler Sennick.

Promising newcomers: Juniors — Chris Burnham, Ryan Larkin, Sarah McGhee, Alyssa Nile; Sophomores — Jordan Hoffman, Tyler Seamon; Freshmen — Adam Fitzgerald, Matthew Hyde, Jamin Pullen.

Season outlook: The Cougars are young for the second consecutive year, but lone senior Williams was a force (second in regional, fourth in state) at 220 pounds a year ago and will challenge again if he can overcome nagging a knee injury from football season. Gunter won the consolation final in both regionals and states and was runner-up in the New England qualifier in the heavyweight division. Voter returns off a solid season in the lower weight categories.