As an American, I espouse the frame of mind that, according to the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal and have a right to the pursuit of happiness.

I guess I am a naive liberal. In reality, should I be? That is the basic understanding of this country that I recall learning about in school. I can also recall seeing it and living it.

Winning and getting one’s way is the order of the day. Thinking about other people’s welfare and their ability to survive is so far removed from conscious thought that it is forgotten. Those in power strive to control their own survival and personal affluence.

The truly criminal aspect of current attitudes is that progress is mired in stalemate. Politicians take negative, destructive postures and waste time and money, while the public is left in the wake, wondering if anything positive will emerge or will it all just come tumbling down.

Elected officials are more interested in playing their political games while ignoring the people. They make no attempt to make life better.

Unfortunately, voters are also part of the problem. By continuously re-electing the very representatives at the heart of the problems, they aren’t contributing to any chance of change. Being apathetic regarding voting doesn’t help, either.

Unfortunately, many people do not see the forest through the trees, and those who do will not do anything to make it otherwise.

At present, I feel that representation does not exist.

Marc Jalbert, Lewiston

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