HARTFORD — Town maintenance worker Richard Dyer told selectmen Thursday night that he’s concerned about snow and ice falling from the Town Hall roof onto the handicap ramp. He said he has been cleaning the ramp as many as four times a day and is concerned about people’s safety, including his own.

The board took Dyer’s suggestion for an overhead roof and asked the town clerk to include it in the discussion of the 2015 budget.

Another building issue mentioned was the old schoolhouse, which houses the clothing center. Tom Hamilton, a deacon at the Hartford Community Church, which sponsors the center, got estimates to fix the chimney that were double the amount in the maintenance account.

Holman suggested holding fundraisers to make up the difference.

In the meantime, it was suggested that an electric heater be used because the stove could not be used safely.

It was also suggested the center close during the winter. The center is open a few hours each month. No action was taken.

Selectmen reviewed a tree-cutting permit issued by Code Enforcement Officer William Kennedy that allows property owner Lawrence Savarese to remove 10 to 12 dead and hazardous trees on Hodge Hill Drive in the shoreland zone.

At the Nov. 20 selectmen meeting, Planning Board alternate Morrill Nason objected to the tree removal, saying he took a forester on the property without permission to look at the trees and was told some could be saved.

Kennedy determined the trees pose a threat to the property, so the Planning Board approved removing them.