FARMINGTON — The Planning Board will consider applications for a training facility and expansion of an apartment building on Perham Street when they meet at 6 p.m. Monday, Dec. 8, at the Municipal Building.

The training facility, proposed as construction of a 30-foot by 60-foot building on Mt. Blue Campus, is for all-hazard training by firefighters, law enforcement and students at the school. 

The Regional School Unit 9 board of directors approved use of about one acre of land last month after Farmington fire Chief Terry Bell brought a request for use of the school-owned property.

The three- or four-story building would be designed to simulate residential and commercial building training scenarios. The building would be used to conduct live fire-suppression training along with ladder skills, hose advances and search-and-rescue skills.

The Planning Board will consider a site review application and soil erosion control/storm water management application for the project.

Caleb Rackliffe, owner of a four-apartment building at 117 Perham Street submitted a site review application to convert an existing barn into three apartments.


One apartment would be built on each of the three floors of the barn.

The property would contain room for 11 parking spaces or one per bedroom for the seven apartments as required by town standards.

Rackliffe indicated his plan to start the conversion in January to be ready by June.

The board also will consider a soil erosion control/storm water management application submitted  by S. L. White LLC to improve drainage on the property next to Farmington Ford at 519 Wilton Road.

The application is for changing the path of drainage water away from the driveway and the dealership’s building.