WOODSTOCK — The Whitman Memorial Library is re-inviting resident Jim Burke to perform Christmas music at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 11, library trustee Marta Clements said Thursday.

Clements said that the library asked Burke to perform Christmas music on his keyboard in 2013, and the event received enough positive feedback to warrant an encore performance the following year.

“Right after he was done performing last year, I had people coming up to me asking if he could come back next year,” Clements said with a laugh. “One thing that makes Jim different from other performers is that he brings things for the audience to use to help his performance, such as tambourines. He also encourages that people sing along.”

Clements added that Burke recently formed a ukulele group with his wife, and that they would be performing.

“Janet Willie, who is from Bethel, may perform on her penny whistle, but I’m not really sure about that,” Clements said.

The program is open to the public at no charge, and refreshments will be served.

If there is a snow day on the day of the program, Clements said that the program will be rescheduled.
