LIVERMORE FALLS — Town Manager Kristal Flagg will ask selectmen Tuesday to rescind their Dec. 2 vote to give nonessential town employees the day after Christmas off with pay.

Instead, she will offer the board another option, which she initially discussed prior to the board making its decision. She will ask selectmen to allow the Town Office to close Dec. 26, but employees would use accumulated time, such as a personal day or vacation day, in order to be compensated, Flagg said Monday.

“It would avoid any issue that may arise with the essential personnel,” she said.

Selectmen voted 4-1 on Dec. 2 to give the Town Office staff, highway employees — if it didn’t snow — and other nonessential personnel the day off. Selectman Ron Chadwick opposed the decision.

Police officers scheduled to work that day would still have to work.

The town Personnel Policy requires employees to work a half day on Dec. 24 and grants them the day off Dec. 25.


Flagg said she will also give the board an overview at the 6:30 p.m. meeting at the Town Office on concerns about the fire station.

A representative of a Falmouth engineering firm looked at the back wall of the station earlier this month. The wall is cracked and bowed slightly, the floor in that area is cracked and the roof is leaking.

The board will also review bids for two options for a boiler at the station. She has requested proposed prices from several companies for a propane boiler and an oil boiler.

The current boiler is more than 30 years old and is leaking.