BETHEL — The Sign Ordinance Review Committee will convene at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 17, at the Town Office to discuss an issue on Main Street, Chairman Stan Howe said Monday.

During a Nov. 17 goal-setting workshop, the Board of Selectmen suggested to newly appointed Town Manager Christine Landes that she look into scheduling a Sign Ordinance Review Committee meeting.

Selectman Peter Southam said when the sign committee first looked at drafting an ordinance, it “focused a lot on directional signs for businesses, but never got around to doing in-town signs or signs in the Mayville district.”

Howe said the committee may also discuss an issue from a previous selectmen’s meeting when a resident complained that a number of Main Street signs were being obscured by parked cars.

“I guess some of the signs can’t be seen past the parked cars, so perhaps they’ll look into ways to fix that problem,” Howe said.