2: Number of insurers on the ACA marketplace for Maine in 2014

40,000-plus: The number of Mainers who signed up for insurance through that marketplace.

90: The percentage of Mainers who signed up for insurance on the marketplace and got a federal subsidy.

$344: Average monthly subsidy for those Mainers. 

$99: Average monthly insurance cost after that subsidy.

$11,450: Poverty line for one person in 2014. (No subsidy if you earn less than that.)


ACA 201 Online: A one-year checkup on how the ACA is doing in Maine and a subsidy calculator can be found at SunJournal.com/ACA201

Profiles of Mainers who bought health insurance through the ACA marketplace:

You’ve seen how the Affordable Care Act affected other Mainers in 2014. How about you? Good, bad or neutral — share your ACA stories


Affordable Care Act 101: We break down the ACA, what it does and what it requires you to do.

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