In watching the ongoing discussion of merging police coverage in Mexico or coverage by the Oxford County Sheriff’s Office, there seems to be some important factors that are missing.

In looking at the costs from all the proposals so far, they seem to be very close to what the town has now. That should tell residents that we have been doing it right for quite some time.

Second thing is the quality of service we have. Will residents still have some say in how much it costs five years from now?

Third, what should the cost of police service be in Mexico and what is that cost being compared to? Mexico has a very low pay scale when compared to other towns of the same size.

Vehicle numbers are minimal, so where are the savings?

If we merge, or if the sheriff’s department is used, I don’t see savings for the town. At some point, I see the town not being in control of the long-term costs.


As a resident of Mexico, it is very rewarding to wave to a police officer and see him wave back as a friend, neighbor and a local who lives in the area and takes pride in it.

Mexico has police explorers who contribute to the town and they raise their own money while giving a free service to the community. And there’s the neighborhood watch, at no extra cost.

We will never find a more dedicated force than what we have now.

Peter Merrill, Mexico

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