This is in response to the letter (Jan. 14) from Ellen Field, “Handouts to the rich.” I am glad that someone thinks the same as I do. It is time to get the word out so people can understand the difference between the rich and the poor.

I feel that the rich are getting richer by the poor getting poorer. A lot of the programs that help the poor are being cut in some way, such as the property tax and rent rebate programs that help seniors and low-income people. Those changes are going to hurt many people; some people could lose their homes.

Haven’t those folks paid enough? Why hurt seniors and the poor? They deserve to be treated like human beings.

Rich people don’t ever have to worry where their next meal is coming from, or what bill won’t be paid in order to pay the rent. Or what medicine folks will have to go without to be able to pay an important bill such as electricity, fuel or food.

Rich people will never have to live that way and they can thank the poor for what they do have. The rich push for laws that cut programs that help the poor while giving tax breaks and other benefits to the rich.

Virginia Blackwell, Lisbon