“I’m going to M.I.T.!”

Whether you are four years old and getting ready for preschool or 18 and ready for post-secondary education, there is an excitement that goes along with belonging to the St. Dom’s family and the future for which each one of our students is prepared. From our humble beginnings over 70 years ago, St. Dom’s has developed into a premiere college preparatory school for students from PreK through 12th grade graduation.

Contributing to the success of the past 74 years are the administrators who understand the educational needs of children, faculty members who see each child as an individual blessed with a unique set of gifts and talents, staff members who treat everyone as family, and parents who want the best possible education for their children. And while there have been many changes to our American educational system, St. Dom’s continues to successfully employ time-tested methods. The result is a collaborative partnership between the school and each family that ensures a solid investment in the future for each one of our students.

If your child is not currently attending St. Dom’s we invite you to come and witness for yourself how different we are from any other school. Families who have recently investigated our programming, traditional methods of instruction and grading, low teacher-to-student ratio and smaller class sizes are excited at the prospect of sending their children (and grandchildren!) to a school with a proven track record of academic preparation and character formation. These families are glad to hear that St. Dom’s is able to be selective about which of the latest educational trends and initiatives we are incorporating into our PreK-grade 12 academics. As a private educational institution, we are not bound to transition to the many federal mandates, as are our public schools.

Forming people of integrity, creating a strong work ethic, and challenging each student to achieve their personal best is the goal of every St. Dom’s teacher, beginning in PreK and culminating with graduation. Do they succeed? This is best answered by our graduates who consistently share how seamless the transition was to their first year of college. Our recent graduates routinely share that while many of their counterparts are struggling with the college work load, the rigor of our academics and the time management skills they learned at St. Dom’s have more than prepared them to be successful in college.

In reality, all of the benefits of a Catholic education are meaningless if the cost prevents a family from accessing these benefits. As a Catholic school, an integral part of our mission is to assist families in affording a St. Dom’s education. This coming year, we will award over $500,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships! Many families feel that they need to “save for college” rather than send their children to St. Dom’s. While saving for the future is prudent, national statistics show that students graduating from a Catholic school are not only better prepared for college-level academics, but are more likely to receive their degree in four years rather than five or six years, saving far more than the cost of a Catholic school education. In addition, one senior recently shared that two of her top colleges choices each offered her an $80,000 grant, not including financial aid! You can quickly see that investing in a St. Dom’s education quickly pays for itself!

No doubt, many gifts were exchanged over the recently concluded Christmas season. Whether provided by parents, grandparents or another family benefactor, the legacy of a Catholic education is a gift that your family will benefit from for generations to come!

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