In the Sun Journal on Jan. 18, there was a front page feature story about the dangers of Route 202. In the section of contributing driver action, there is a major one missing — driver inattention.

Through the years, I have driven Route 202 many times and have seen folks talking on the phone, checking texts, eating and a host of other things that demonstrate they were not focusing on the primary job at hand: driving.

Common sense should tell a driver that if the sun is in his eyes, slow down. Drivers should have their sunglasses already out, so they aren’t distracted looking for them at 55 mph. If a vehicle is waiting to pull out, pay attention as the driver will probably pull out at the last second.

One needs to be driving defensively on any highway, as there are many people who don’t pay attention to what they are doing.

The life you save may be your own, or someone you love.

Alan Elze, Auburn

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