DIXFIELD — For the second week in a row, a special public information-gathering session was canceled because of snow.

Regional School Unit 10 Superintendent Craig King said Monday’s forum at Dirigo High School has been postponed to a future date yet to be determined.

Last week, a similar forum at Mountain Valley High School was postponed. At that time, King said that the MVHS forum will likely take place just before or just after the February vacation week.

A third forum, set for 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10, is planned at Buckfield Junior-Senior High School.

The forums’ purpose is to inform residents of the 12-town district of three options for closing or restructuring some of the district’s school buildings. Officials also will consider public suggestions for streamlining the district.

An ad hoc Buildings and Grounds Committee and an architect have studied each of the buildings for space, condition and many other characteristics during the past six months or so.

The three options all call for closing Rumford Elementary School, the Central Office building and Pennacook Learning Center. The options also call for other closures or restructuring.

In another matter, Monday was the fifth snow day taken during this school year. The district has five built-in no-school days in its calendar. Any days taken from this point on will be made up at the end of the school year.