JAY — Selectpersons and the police union reached a tentative agreement Monday to pay officers working special grant details $40 per hour, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said.

Some communities set a rate for officers to be paid to save on overtime and to attract reserves to participate in the enforcement details.

The agreement is contingent on checking with the Maine Department of Labor to make sure it is appropriate before it is finalized, she said.

The Police Department gets grants from the state Bureau of Highway Safety, usually to do speed, seat-belt and operating-under-the influence checks.

When they get those grants, they apply for reimbursement from the grants to compensate the town for those who worked the detail, she said.

The details are generally four-hour shifts.

A reserve officer would normally be paid about $13 an hour, and if they are working at another job where they are making more, they do not want to work the detail, she said.


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