RUMFORD — With two meetings remaining to finish its work, the Rumford Charter Commission on Tuesday night went through five amendment proposals from two town officials.

Commission Vice Chairman Michael Peter Chase led the 90-minute meeting with five of its eight members present, considering suggested changes from Executive Secretary Terri Palmer and Town Manager John Madigan.

The commission voted to require two public hearings be held by the first two weeks of March on initiated article proposals. Previously it was the last two weeks of March.

The reasoning is to allow the town clerk enough time to receive all budget, ordinance and charter changes to complete the annual town warrant and get ballots printed so absentee ballots are ready at least 45 days before town meeting. Maine recently enacted legislation requiring a 45-day lead.

In the ordinances article, the commission changed the number of days for the same reason, except to hold two public hearings for ordinance proposals in the last two weeks of February. Currently, it is from the last two weeks of April.

The commission changed language for balloting times for annual town meetings and meeting procedure to an “appropriate time” decided by selectmen.


Chase said the commission will revisit proposed changes to secret poll meeting paragraphs at its next meeting.

Additionally, commission member Kevin Saisi asked that something be prepared prior to next week’s meeting to let the commission know what tasks are remaining. Charter Commission Chairman Chris Brennick said he could do that on Sunday and Monday. Roger Viger Jr. said he could help Brennick on Sunday.

Also, Brennick said the board needs to fine-tune the charter’s table of contents and that he would like to add a note about what articles the commission altered.