ROXBURY — Voters attending the annual town meeting at 6 p.m. Monday, March 2, in the Town Hall will vote on a municipal budget of $633,464, Deputy Town Clerk Renee Hodsdon said Wednesday.

That amount, which is $140,442 less than last year’s budget of $773,906, does not include the county tax or school assessments, which are done later in the year, said Hodsdon, who is also tax collector and treasurer. She said the budget is much lower than last year because less money was needed for road work and bond payments.

“And we did our due diligence with the county tax, so it shouldn’t affect the (tax) rate, but the school assessment might if it’s more than what we anticipated,” she said.

New this year on the 75-article warrant are measures that seek to raise and/or appropriate money to cover engineering work.

Article 17 asks to raise $16,400 for engineering a new salt and sand shed; Article 18 asks to raise $6,650 for engineering a new retaining wall at Ellis (Roxbury) Pond; and Article 19 seeks to raise $19,000 for engineering a new bridge on Main Street.

Additionally, Article 20 asks to raise $16,600 for engineering dry hydrants for the town to maximize fire safety to all homes.


Article 23 asks if $14,400 should be raised and/or appropriated for protection services as offered from the Oxford County Sheriff’s Office.

Concerns last year about speeding, fireworks ignited on public property, drinking alcohol in public and dogs being allowed on the beach at Roxbury Pond are driving this article, Selectman Tim Derouche said Wednesday at the Town Office.

“County police helped us out on Labor Day weekend last year up there,” Derouche said. He said the $14,400 would provide 10 weeks of extra coverage at six details per week.

Article 32 seeks to raise and/or appropriate $2,500 to create a website for the town, and another article seeks to raise money to pave the town parking lot.

Derouche said articles selectmen anticipate will generate discussion are the extra police patrols and the dry hydrant engineering.

In municipal elections, Town Clerk Nina Hodgkins and Selectman Michael Worthley are not seeking re-election. Doreen Stinson has returned papers for town clerk, and Rodney Cross for selectman.

Voters will also be asked to choose three members for the Cemetery Committee, for one-, two- and three-year terms.