Save the date: Thursday, April 9 — Business After Hours

SMART Assets: Employee Development and the Return on Investment

From 5-7 p.m.

Mt. Blue Campus, 129 Seamon Rd. Farmington

This Business After Hours will provide an opportunity to network and a professional development workshop.

• Networking from 5-6 p.m.


• SMART Assets workshop from 6-7 p.m.

Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours co-hosted by:

WMCA Career Center Services

Greater Franklin Development Corporation

Franklin County Community College Network

Enjoy refreshments created by the Foster CTE Center Culinary Arts students.


SMART Assets: Employee Development and the Return on Investment

Strengthen your business and advance your workforce by supporting employee education. Learn about the Maine Development Foundation’s statewide Next Step Maine Employers’ Initiative — a free initiative designed to support you in advancing the educational attainment of your workforce.

In this interactive Business After Hours event we will share strategies for getting started and free resources to help you support the development of your employees.

Your employees are investing in your company by working longer hours, handling evolving tasks, and assuming increased responsibilities. Investing in their skill development to increase their engagement and ability to not only perform today’s tasks, but anticipate the demands of tomorrow, is critical to your organization’s success.

Investing in them is a good business plan and a key component to increasing employee engagement. As individuals, we are more productive and more engaged in our work when we are equipped with the skills, education and training needed to fulfill our jobs.

Research shows that when you as an employer demonstrate your support for continued education, skills training, and employee development, not only are employees far more likely to take action and advance their education, but also retention rates increase, as does loyalty and the value of your workforce.


Incorporating employee development within your overall organizational strategy is important but, with so many competing interests and tight budgets, can be a big challenge.

We will look at employee engagement and the role education, training, and employee development play in enhancing your workforce and best preparing your organization to meet your current and future workforce needs. Participants will walk away with action items and free resources to help jump start your commitment to employee development.

Topics will include:

The cost of not developing your people

Succession planning & developing talent from within

Strategies for getting started and free resources

Learn more about Next Step Maine Employers’ Initiative at

Next Step Maine Employers’ Initiative

Working with Maine’s public and private employers to increase their access to resources that can help them to improve their support for the educational advancement of their employees.

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