This is in response to Jeff Christiansen’s letter “How did LePage get re-elected?” (Feb. 27).

Gov. Paul LePage is a Republican, a conservative and a politician who believes in responsible government “of the people, for the people and by the people,” rather than the norm of the past 50 and more years of liberal government’s take through taxes, give to some, and make decisions for the people.

After years of the tax-and-spend policies of the liberal agenda, I think the state would be better served by a leaner government that represents all, not just the elitists and outsiders who populate the coastline and the lower 16 percent of this state.

The Democrat Party, both at the state level and the federal level, has dug the people into a hole that we may never be able to climb out of. Every time anyone tries a conservative approach, the liberals scream, “It is all the Republicans’ fault.”

Fiscal responsibility within government mirrors personal responsibility in general. Time has come to stop pointing fingers and blaming others for election results. Voters elected Democrats for years and where did that get us?

I voted for LePage and I fit none of the criteria laid out by Christiansen. The liberal agenda and the whole idea of “political correctness” has been a sham for decades.

God bless America, God bless Maine, God bless Paul LePage, and God bless and help those with politically correct blinders on.

Jerald Cox, West Paris

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