MINOT — Veteran Selectman Dan Callahan was re-elected to his fourth full term in Friday’s election. Callahan received 49 votes.

Joining him on the board will be Lisa Cesare who also received 49 votes. She will succeed Dean Campbell, who chose not to run for re-election.

A third candidate, William Perry, had 43 votes.

There were no names on the ballot for two openings on the Regional School Unit 16 committee. However, according to Town Clerk Heidi Schreiber, there were 19 individuals who received write-in votes, with two of them picking up five votes each: Tina Love and Elaine Verrill.

Love is on the School Committee, but had chosen not to run for re-election.

Schreiber will contact Love and Verrill to see if either one is willing to serve. If both or either do not wish to serve, selectmen will appoint people to serve until the next municipal election.

A total of 76 residents cast ballots.

The town meeting will reconvene at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 7, at the Minot Consolidated School to act on the municipal budget.