WATERFORD — Voters at Saturday’s annual town meeting approved a $1.38 million budget, 3.15 percent more than last year.

The only deviation from the budget was an amendment to increase a contribution to Western Maine Transportation Services to $100. The free transportation service provided 41 trips to eight Waterford residents last year.

Voters also approved a request by the Finance Committee for a guideline on how much to propose for charitable giving each year. The figure was $6,400, with the understanding that voters could change the amount at the annual town meeting.

SAD 17 Director Barry Patrie, a former longtime Finance Committee chairman and member, objected to the move, saying the Finance Committee should be free to make a recommendation without restraint from this town meeting action.

It was pointed out that any Finance Committee recommendation must be approved by town meeting voters.

In other action, voters approved $50,102 for an equipment account to fund purchases over the next decade.


Voters also authorized selectmen to investigate moving from annual to semiannual billing for taxes. The move would provide operating cash sooner, Board of Selectman Chairman Randy Lessard said.

Voters also approved $45,000 for the Fire Department; $75,000 for health insurance premiums for full-time employees; $118,214 for winter roads; $200,000 for tarring, surfacing and/or resurfacing roads; and $482,825 from 2015 revenues to lower the tax rate.

Lessard said if the municipal, county and school budgets are approved at the levels indicated, the tax rate will increase overall from $14.30 to $15.20 per $1,000 of property value.

The board is concerned about Gov. Paul LePage’s proposed budget which, if passed, would eliminate state revenue-sharing. In 2014, the town received $41,565 from that program. Voters were urged to write their legislators to voice support for full state revenue-funding and payment of a voter-mandated 55 percent funding of schools.
