Sen. Eric Brakey is heading up one of the busiest committees in the Legislature — Health and Human Services — and still manages to be proposing and advocating for what seems like several bills every week. Even through all that, he is an active member of his community and makes himself available to his constituents.

People in Auburn are fortunate to have such an energetic and involved legislator who also is actually looking out for his constituents. He spoke to thousands of voters in his district last fall and, judging from the bills he has supported, is demonstrating he listened to them.

Reforming welfare tops the list of his legislative priorities, with nearly a dozen bills submitted on the issue. He heard the concerns of the Maine families who provide the tax dollars for those programs, and he is doing something about it.

Brakey has also advocated for residents of his region with a bill to provide tax credits for the outrageous amount we pay in tolls to travel the Maine Turnpike. He is also leading the charge to end the welfare cliff so that people can gradually come off assistance without being penalized.

All that because he cares about all people — both the taxpayers and those struggling to truly become productive members of society.

I am proud to have someone like Sen. Brakey — who wants citizens to be treated like adults— as my senator in the Maine Legislature.

Jennifer Fogle, Auburn

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