I would like to take a moment and send out a huge “thank you” to the Lewiston Public Works Department.

I go to work a lot earlier than most people in the area where I live, and the Public Works crews were hard at work doing snow removal on my street.

There were 3-foot snowbanks about 5 feet from the end of my driveway. I had started my car while I was getting ready, and I’m assuming that because my headlights come on when the car starts, they realized I was leaving.

I was prepared to shovel my way out and then figure out which way the plow crews were headed so I could go the opposite way to not be in their way, but one of the little plows came by and cleared the end of the driveway for me so I could get out.

I was shocked when I came out to find they had done that.

No other driveway on my street was cleared but mine. I debated whether to write a letter or not, to show appreciation, and made the decision to do so. I know a lot of times those guys go unnoticed until there is a snowstorm and then people complain about how slow they are about cleaning the roads.

People need to have patience. They really are out there for us and deserve praise for the hard work they do to maintain the public’s safety.

Tammy Matthews, Lewiston