Korean Conflict veterans who are eligible for a commemorative book put out by the country of South Korea are losing out. This book has been available since June 2014. It honors all U.S. veterans who served in Korea. The problem? There is a terrible breakdown in communications and little or no follow through from the director of the Bureau of Veterans Services in Augusta, Peter Ogden. Local Post commanders are not getting information about the book. I know because it took me more than two months to get the book for my wife’s cousin, who was in the Marines there.

All I got were excuses, “Not my fault,” “I did what I had to do,” with no follow up.

Recently, I got a call from one of the eight Post commanders who I had contacted with the information I had in December and January. He thanked me for letting him know about the book program which, I might add, is a nationwide program.

Hopefully, when there is a change in command in June and the new director Adria Horn takes over, she will do a better job in the area of communication and follow through.

Until then, any Korean War veteran, or relative of one, is eligible to receive the commemorative book and should contact a local Post commander or the Veterans Services office in Lewiston.

The book belongs to the veterans; they earned it.

Fern Bosse, Norway

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