The Environmental Protection Agency seems to find a way to cause problems for people. The EPA is pressing ahead with regulations to significantly limit the pollution from newly manufactured residential wood heaters.

Our ancestors used wood all their lives to heat. It was a way of life. Pollution didn’t seem to be a problem.

The high pollution today is caused by all the airplanes flying every day and all the cars and trucks on the road. The bad gasoline we have now contributes to that pollution.

When I grew up, there was one car and one truck to use in my family. It seems like today there is a vehicle for every person in each household. People don’t walk anymore; they just ride.

With the high price of heating oil, people can’t afford to heat their homes. Wood is cheaper for the heat it gives. EPA officials shouldn’t complain about wood heat. The government doesn’t help the middle class pay for heating oil, only those in poverty.

Every day, the government takes away more of our rights. Where are our freedoms going? People can’t smoke cigarettes in most places but government agencies will give marijuana to dope addicts. Pot smoke is bad and harmful to the brain, but is legal for some people.

People need to stop the government foolishness and start acting like humans again. That means staying away from bad things in life, and deal with any individual problems.

Get to work.

Mary Ann Michaud, Lewiston