How nice to read letters from John Lussier (Feb. 24) and Tammy Matthews (Mar. 17) appreciating the Lewiston Public Works. Sometimes grateful residents call the dispatch center to thank the workers, and they get put in the newsletter.

The LPW puts out a newsletter monthly with a list of what is done each month. I am amazed at the amount of work involved in taking care of the public.

I met several Public Works employees 14 years ago when the Water and Sewer Department spent a winter putting in a sewer system in my neighborhood on the pond for a leach field 1,800 feet away that protects the pond and saved our homes. The first day they arrived, it was snowing and freezing. I decided they needed appreciation and calories, so oatmeal cookies took care of that; hot soup on some days. They were so pleased.

When I was stuck in the snow and had a flat tire they helped me. Recovering from surgery, they arrived at my door with a fruit basket. I heard that a happy resident sent them doughnuts this winter.

Their appreciation of those gifts makes me want to do more. It is a privilege to be accepted, these past years, as their self-appointed den mother.

Getting to know a lot of these hard-working, wonderful people is fun, and Dave Jones is an awesome director — supportive and caring.

When a storm is predicted, cookies for the plowing night crew (or any other time) means a lot to them.

Jeanne Raymond, Lewiston

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