JAY — Two sections of roads in North Jay will not be restricted to weight limits this spring to accommodate a Canadian-based company proposing to develop the North Jay White Quarry and build a plant to make granite curbing.

The Board of Selectpersons confirmed the Public Works Department’s postings on Monday night.

Public works foreman John Johnson told the board that roads were posted the week of March 9.

The only change this year from years past is not posting the first 5,100 feet of Old Jay Hill Road coming from My Dad’s Place and the first 930 feet of Woodman Hill Road coming from Old Jay Hill Road, he said.

The crew put up signs warning that the roads were posted 1 mile and one-quarter mile ahead, respectively, to deter trucks from turning onto these roads, he said.

The board considered talking to an attorney to see if an agreement could be made to have Polycor, the company proposing to build the granite plant, reimburse the town for any damages to the Old Jay Hill Road.


Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said they talked to Maine Municipal Association and was told that the town needs to have something in the ordinance pertaining to compensation for damages.

The town does not post Riley Road which goes to Verso Androscoggin Paper Mill or Commercial Way or Jay Plaza Lane which leads to Hannaford at the Jay Plaza.

LaFreniere said MMA told officials they need to treat everyone the same.

Johnson said there is no doubt that heavy trucks and equipment traveling over the roads is not going to be good. Something selectpersons have to weigh every year is if commerce is worth the degradation of the highway.

The longest the weight limit postings have been up is April 29, he said.

The town’s Ordinance Restricting Vehicle Weight on Posted Ways is expected to be reviewed to determine if there are any changes that need to be made to it prior to next spring.


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