BRADLEY – A series of new programs are underway at the Maine Forest and Logging Museum, located on the Government, off Rte. 178 in Bradley.
From 12-3 p.m. on March 28, there will be a beginning photography course, “Know Your Camera,” with Tom Grogan. Pre-registration required; the cost is $30. For more information, go to
Also on the 28th, there will be a tool sharpening workshop with Charlie Green. The cost is $3 at the gate,
From 9-11 a.m. on April 18, there will be docent orientation – old and new people are welcome. Come learn about logging history, take a tour of the grounds, and train to be an MFLM docent! If you’ve been before, do please come again!
On April 22 and 25, there will be grounds clean-up from 9 a.m.-noon. Any and all help is appreciated.
The Museum store’s grand opening will be May 1-2. And Lastly watch for detaill ahead of theFirst Annual Bradley Alewife Festival!