Franklin Community Health Network (FCHN) has more than 600 full-time employees. However, the organization could not do the work it does without the help of its dedicated volunteers, including the Auxiliary.

Our volunteer program workforce helps us complete everyday tasks, while the Auxiliary’s mission is to raise money to support equipment and programs at Franklin Memorial Hospital. The organization takes great pride in these volunteers and considers them part of the staff.

FCHN has approximately 120 volunteers who help out in numerous hospital departments and affiliated organizations, contributing nearly 20,000 hours of service this past year.

“Volunteers of all ages donate their time and talents day after day and with energy, enthusiasm, and commitment that is inspirational,” said Jodi Cordes, recruitment and volunteer services administrator. “They run the patient hospitality cart, staff the gift shop, stock supplies, deliver mail, park patient cars, and perform a myriad of other tasks that assist staff in providing care and services, and enhancing our patients’ experiences.”

All interested community members are invited to join its family of volunteers. Whether one has four hours a month or four hours a week, Cordes will best match individual’s interests and skills to the opportunities available. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should contact Cordes at 779-2635.

Another volunteer group, the Auxiliary, was established in 1953 and includes men and women. It hosts monthly activities and special events to support Franklin Memorial Hospital. The Auxiliary also provides annual scholarships for students pursuing careers in the health care field.


The Auxiliary operates the hospital’s gift shop, which is its major fundraiser. The popular gift shop, located near the front entrance, offers a wide selection of gifts such as new baby presents, jewelry, seasonal items, books, stuffed animals, candy, and floral arrangements.

The Auxiliary is also successful in raising funds through special sales throughout the year including: Books are Fun, Bag Ali, and uniform and shoes sales. And, area residents can purchase an engraved stone that becomes a permanent part of the Healing Garden as a lasting memorial to a loved one or friend.

The Auxiliary is always looking for volunteers to share their special skills for special events, cook for bake sales, and help with its many fundraisers.

“One of the greatest needs right now for the Auxiliary is help in the gift shop, as Patty Kilkenny, longtime gift shop manager, is soon retiring,” said Jill Gray, staff liaison to the Auxiliary. “We hope to replace her with either one person, two, or several for a team approach. For example: one could buys items and do the pricing, one could pick up the money for deposit every few days, another could buy the candy and food items, and another develops the monthly schedule of workers.”

Individuals interested in joining the Auxiliary can contact Dawn Girardin for more information at 585-2130.Inquiries to work in the gift shop should be directed to Jodi Cordes.

In addition to personal satisfaction and meeting new friends, perks to being a volunteer or Auxiliary member include: annual appreciation events with a buffet meal, entertainment, and recognition gifts; free flu shots; and complimentary meal privileges.