MEXICO — This year’s Mexico town report is dedicated to the late Ernest Robichaud.

The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously on that action at their meeting Tuesday night.

Town Manager John Madigan noted, “Ernie served the town in so many ways for a long time.”

Robichaud’s contributions included serving as a Mexico selectman and being on the Mexico Water District Board of Trustees. He was also recently selected as Mexico’s Citizen of the Year.

Selectmen also voted the “in memory of” portion of the town report to Michael B. Buotte and Earl C. Murray.

Buotte worked as a sergeant for the Rumford Police Department then, following retirement, he worked for the Mexico Police Department as a patrolman.


Murray was the Boston Post Cane holder from 2011-14. On Dec. 4, 2013, town officials help celebrate Murray’s 100th birthday at his Richards Avenue home. He passed away in January 2014.

The board also decided the town report cover photo will be the No. 23 fire engine, which fire Chief Gary Wentzell got a great deal on for the town. Coincidentally, the No. 23 that was used with the truck matched the number of years Wentzell has served with the fire department.

In other business, a public hearing for the town meeting warrant will take place at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 26, in the Town Office to discuss the proposed budget and ordinances. The regular board meeting will follow.

Madigan said the total town budget, including the county tax and their share of the proposed RSU 10 budget, looks to be about $6,000 less than last year. Not included is the fee to the town for adult education.

He noted that Mexico’s assessment from Regional School Unit 10 has declined more than $26,000 from last year.

Selectmen decided they will meet once a month from June through September. That meeting will take place on the second Tuesday of each of the four months.