PARIS — Responsible Pet Care is looking for new friends.

The animal shelter in Paris wants to form a Friends of RPC committee. The main function of the committee is to have a core group of people to help plan and work at fund raising events for the shelter.

The new task force needs planners, organizers and doers to take positions as committee chairs, group leaders, a volunteer coordinator and workers for all of the events held during the year.

At present, the board of director for the shelter is the group that makes the executive decisions and organizes all of the fund raising events.

“Our small group is stretched to their limits,” Shirley Boyce, shelter president, saind in a press release. “We need new people that can focus just on the events that bring in the funds to run the shelter.”

The shelter already has several annual and semi-annual events on the calendar. Events such as Longaberger basket bingos, ticket auctions and collection toll booths happen twice a year, while the DECA fair and the Norway Art Festival are annual events. Fun Dog Day is also an annual event that already has a dedicated committee. These events help with the high expenses of running an animal shelter, but they do not cover nearly enough of the cost.


Responsible Pet Care is hopeful that a Friends of RPC committee will help with the events that are already on the agenda and initiate some new ideas for future fund raisers.

The idea of serving on this task force may appeal to people who want to volunteer to help the shelter, but do not have the time to commit to a weekly job at the shelter.

The process of serving on the Friends of RPC committee begins with an application. When the shelter has received enough applications to proceed there will be an initial meeting.

The Volunteer Task Force application can be downloaded from the shelter’s web site at