ANDOVER — Selectmen said Tuesday night that they expect the newly formed Recreation Committee will meet soon.

The information was in response to a question during the public comment period.

Members of the committee are Carol Emery, Paul Hutchins, Katie Benson, Susan Mills and Claire Sessions.

“We didn’t approve funding it,” Selectman Keith Farrington said. “We appointed some people, but we don’t know if they appointed a chairman yet.”

Selectman Jane Rich said she believes Emery will convene a meeting soon.

In other business, selectmen voted to pay the following bills: $1,250 to Archie’s Inc., $4,004.86 to Eastern Salt Co., $1,123 to the Maine Secretary of State, and $1,103.75 to the Maine State Treasurer.

The board tabled a review of the proposed fraud policy to next week’s meeting so Chairman Jim Adler can read it. Members unanimously voted to sign a document allowing the Maine Trail Riders to use Grimaldi Field again.

Selectmen also learned from Planning Board Chairman Mark Thurston that he will schedule a meeting next week for the Comprehensive Plan Committee.