JAY — Police are investigating the third theft of copper from an unoccupied building since April 24.

Officer Nicholas Gulliver responded to a report on Tuesday night of copper being stolen from a house on Franklin Road (Route 133).

A small television was also taken, police Chief Richard Caton IV said Wednesday.

A caretaker checked on the house and reported the burglary at 6:14 p.m.

Police are asking anyone who sees anything suspicious at a vacant building or house to call Jay Police Department at 207-897-6766.

Police are also investigating copper thefts from a house at 198 Crash Road that was reported Monday and house on Claybrook Road that was reported April 24.


The Crash Road residence, which is up for sale, was stripped of all of the copper from the furnace, plumbing system and the outdoor spigots.

In the Claybrook Road case, four 12-volt batteries and a table saw also were stolen.

Jay and Livermore Falls had a rash of copper thefts in the summer of 2014. The majority of the 15 buildings and houses hit were vacant. Suspects were arrested and face charges in those cases.
