I have known Eugene Skibitsky for many years. He has always been civic minded. He has served on the school board, as a selectman, and most recently as town manager for Dixfield.

He is a Dartmouth College-educated business and financial manager. He is running for selectman to bring integrity and civility back to town politics. He has no personal agenda, but wants to work for the good of the community.

Steve Donahue has served as selectman previously, is a Dixfield native and brings a lot of experience to the town he loves. The two candidates are working as a team and support wind power.

The anti-wind faction has been active in getting their negative people on the board due to poor voter turnout in the past few June elections. Residents need to make some positive changes in town government.

I will vote for Eugene Skibitsky and Steve Donahue.

Martha Kelly, Dixfield

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