Once again, some of the powers that be in the Twin Cities have come up with an idea that is utterly ridiculous at best. The idea is to make Court Street (between Main and Spring streets) a two lane road.

The thinking is that it will help increase property values in that area and increase patronage of the eight or so businesses in that section by having increased on-street parking.

Please note that on-street parking already exists on that section, as well as a parking lot which is right around the corner.

Like it or not, Court Street is a major route in and out of Auburn and is extremely busy most of the time. I can foresee traffic backed up to Lisbon Street and up Goff Hill. And what about when trains comes through?

I hope the Department of Transportation study will concur and refuse the change.

On another note — bicycle lanes. Both cities are increasingly placing them on roadways, which is a fantastic idea. However, the tax dollars paying for them seem to be wasted money. How many times do automobiles have to yield for a bicyclist who is not even using the provided bike lanes? Some bicyclists think they are above the law.

Law enforcement should begin enforcing the rules pertaining to bicycles on the road and fine those bicyclists who are breaking the rules when a designated bike lane is present. Those fines could be used to help fund the bike lane system.

Joseph Mailey, Auburn

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