If you have lived in Androscoggin County for any length of time, you likely have heard about the Poland Spring Resort, located off Route 26 in Poland. With its many different buildings and a golf course which dates back to 1895, the resort oozes with history.

Poland Spring is the oldest resort golf course in the United States.

To maintain the resort, the Poland Spring Preservation Society was formed. It conducts fund-raising events to support the many historic buildings on the grounds. One of them took place two weeks ago on May 17, when the annual Fenn-Ross Cup Heritage Scramble was held. Twenty foursomes competed, and many of the players were attired in garb from the early part of the 20th century.

For the 80 players involved it was a perfect day. The weather was excellent, and remember that two weeks ago, weather for golf in the tri-county area was inconsistent at best. The course was in fine condition, especially considering it was still early spring by Maine standards. And the amenities, meaning giveaways and meal, were outstanding, especially for a $50 entry fee.

And there was an added touch. A bag-piper welcomed the golfers as they arrived for the tournament.

According to Kate McGovern, administrative assistant for the Preservation Society, proceeds of more than $5,000 went to the society. A number of sponsors made this possible, but the person to whom most of the credit should go is Poland Spring Resort owner Cyndi Robbins, whose contributing presence was evident in many ways. Poland Spring Golf Course, Poland Spring Pro Shop, Cyndi’s Dockside Restaurant and Mel’s Hilltop all combined to make it a special event.


Having been in the field, this writer can attest to the fact that it was a great tournament value.

If you are asking how Poland Spring came up with this name for its tournament, the answer is half easy and half difficult.

The difficult part of the name is “Fenn,” who is Arthur Fenn. He was the architect of the first nine holes at Poland Spring and in 1918 he was the first first Maine Open champion. “Ross” is the legendary golf course architect Donald Ross, whose beautiful courses are popular throughout Maine and all of New England, not to mention other eastern states.

This year, Poland Spring is celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the opening of the Ross-designed second nine at the course.

Junior award winners

The Maine State Golf Association has selected 15 scholastic golfers for scholarship awards.


Sullivan Tidd of Casco not only is receiving a $1,500, four-year renewable scholarship, but a $500 one-year grant for academic performance.

Fourteen more golfers — Parker Walker of Island Falls, Jenna Hallett of Presque Isle, Gavin Dugas of Pittsfield, Robbie Watson of Fort Fairfield, Craig Smith of Falmouth, Thomas Ackerman of Topsham, Taylor Morang of Winthrop, Ty Cowan of Madison, Thomas Foster of Augusta, Katie Pelletier of Caribou, Henry Laurita of Hope, Drew Long of Rockport and Brody Campbell of Exeter — are receiving $1,500, renewable up to four years.

Another golfer, Daulton Wickenden of Rockport, received $500 for golf contributions.

Since 1950, the MSGA has awarded more than $1.3 million in scholarship funding to more than 500 scholastic golfers.

Dad’s Day deal

It is never too early to think about Father’s Day gifts, and Harris Golf has a good one. Between now and June 21 (Father’s Day), a $59 round with a cart for Sunday River can be purchased by going on the website (Harrisgolfonline.com) or by telephoning 442-8725.


There is a bonus. For every Sunday River pass purchased, the buyer will receive a round at one of Harris Golf’s nine-hole courses — Freeport, Mere Creek, Wilson Lake and Highland Greens.

Two for the price of one always works well when it comes to greens fees.

Schedule picking up

Over an eight-day period, the first championship events of 2015 kick off for the Maine State Golf Association. Sunday it will be the club team championship at Belgrade Lakes. Monday is the senior club team championship, also at Belgrade Lakes, and next Sunday is the father & son championship at Natanis. In addition, there is a regularly-scheduled weekend tournament Friday and Saturday Webhannet.

Bill Kennedy is a freelance writer.

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