Once again, We the People Maine, whomever they may be, are promoting the idea of taking away the constitutional right of corporations to exercise free speech.

Calling corporate campaign contributions “dark money,” the organization wants the U.S. Congress to call a Constitutional Convention to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” ruling of 2010 affirming the rights of corporations to make campaign contributions.

I find it interesting that the financial involvement in elections by unions is not part of the organization’s plan. Could it be that unions are financially supporting the organization’s efforts and the campaigns of super liberals that control the Democratic Party?

The Founding Fathers apparently were concerned that politicians would over-regulate and over-tax in an effort to control the free enterprise system, hence the need for corporations to become politically involved (as in the past six years).

Corporations have all the rights that the people enjoy. Owners can protect corporations from those who want to destroy the free enterprise system. One could argue that corporations of all sizes are the backbone of the national economy and have made this country the greatest economic powerhouse the world has ever seen.

If campaigns receive “dark money,” how would the hundreds of millions of dollars Hillary Clinton is receiving be classified? She has taken the art of leveraging campaign donations to a whole new level, right under the noses of We the People Maine.

We the People Maine’s silence is very telling.

John Turner, Auburn