PARIS — The Oxford County Sheriff’s Office responded to 198 calls from May 26 to June 1. Among them were:

* At about 11 p.m. May 30, Deputy Nathan Bowie and Paris police officer William Grover responded to a domestic disturbance on Stearns Hill Road in West Paris. On arrival, Bowie said family members told him they believed an assault had occurred. “However, the two people involved both denied their families’ allegations and refused to write statements or talk any more about the incident,” he said. They were separated for the evening and the scene was cleared without further incident.

* At 9:12 p.m. May 30, a concerned Maine State Police dispatcher in Gray who was unable to contact a trooper handling a traffic stop on the Canton Road in Livermore Falls during a status check, sent Sgt. Timothy Holland and Dixfield police officer Anne Simmons-Edmunds to see why the trooper wasn’t responding to repeated radio prompts about his well-being. When they arrived, they learned the trooper was fine, but his radio wasn’t working.

* At 8:57 p.m. May 30, a motorist on Route 108 in Canton reported a horse and buggy traveling on the road. Holland and Deputy Dani Welch responded. Holland said the motorist stated that the buggy had reflectors on it, “but was not as visible as they wished.” Both searched the area without finding the horse and buggy.

* At 12:01 p.m. May 30, Deputy Josh Aylward took a report from West Bethel Road in Bethel about a brown Chihuahua that had been stolen. The case is pending further investigation.

* At 10:42 p.m. May 29, an intoxicated caller requested a deputy to have his girlfriend removed from a Main Street residence in Brownfield. Sgt. Tim Ontengco and Deputy Mike Halacy responded, arrived and spoke with the couple. “No crimes were reported, and it was suggested to the intoxicated male that he call it an evening,” Ontengco said.


* At 8:45 p.m. May 29, Halacy responded to a motorist’s call on Norway Road in Waterford. The driver had collided with and killed a small bear. There was no damage to the vehicle.

* At 6:58 p.m. May 29, Ontengco took a request from a camp owner in Woodstock who asked for extra patrols around her camp on Route 26 and North Pond. Ontengco said she told him that unknown people have been breaking in and partying at her camp on the weekends. Ontengco advised other deputies about the request for extra patrols.

* At 3:58 p.m. on May 29, Cpl. Chris Davis and Deputy Andrew Whitney responded to a third-party report of a domestic disturbance at a Kingsbury Street residence in West Paris. Davis said that on arrival, they spoke with the homeowner, who told them that 12 people live in the same house and an argument broke out in the front yard. There was no assault and no threats were made, so they cleared the scene, Davis said.

* At 2:18 p.m. May 29, New Hampshire State Police contacted the Sheriff’s Office, requesting deputies to patrol the Middle Dam area in Magalloway Plantation after they received information of a possible underage drinking party on Middle Dam Road in Magalloway. New Hampshire state police then assisted Deputy Steven Witham in patrolling the area with no contact.