NORWAY — Voters will choose a selectman, a fire chief and two school directors, and decide on a school budget and a fireworks law at the polls Tuesday, June 9.

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Norway Fire Station at 19 Danforth St.

For the School Administrative District 17 Board of Directors, incumbents Jared Cash and Stephen Cummings are being challenged by political newcomer Michael R. Marshall.

For the Board of Selectmen, incumbent Russ Newcomb is challenged by former Selectman Gary Howe. Howe said he took out nomination papers but missed the deadline so he’s running as a write-in candidate. Howe served from 1985 to 1991. Newcomb is seeking his sixth term.

Fire Chief Dennis Yates, who was first elected in 2009, is seeking another term.

Cynthia Reedy is running for re-election to the Norway Memorial Library Board of Trustees. Michael Vandemark is a write-in candidate for the other open seat.


For write-ins, voters must write the person’s name and the town in which they reside on the ballot, Town Clerk Shirley Boyce said. Stickers are not allowed.

Voters will be asked if they wish to prevent the use of all consumer fireworks in Norway. The ordinance would govern the sale and use of fireworks. It is the result of a citizens’ petition.

The referendum vote will be binding.

In February, the Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to place the question on the election ballot. The ordinance would prohibit the use of consumer fireworks in town except for special occasions. Nancy Hohmann, of 420 Crockett Ridge Road, presented the board with the petition bearing 423 certified signatures of registered voters, which required action by the Board of Selectmen.

Selectmen had the choice of placing it on a special town meeting warrant, the annual town meeting warrant or on the election ballot. Town Manager David Holt suggested at the time that the question be put on the ballot to garner most interest from voters.

The sale of consumer fireworks became law in Maine in 2012, prompting some towns to draw up ordinances banning their use in certain areas or altogether. The legislation to legalize the sale, possession and use of fireworks was created to promote new businesses and jobs, but some residents say it has simply become a nuisance and a danger.


Hohmann and others have said fireworks cause emotional harm to people, livestock, wildlife and companion animals. They can also cause seizures in epileptics and discomfort for asthmatics, they said.

Police Chief Rob Federico said there have been few complaints, although for a time fireworks were a problem in the Norway Lake area and North Norway prior to their legalization.

Federico said last week that there have been nine complaints of disruptive fireworks since June of last year —  including three on July 4, 2014 — and only one this calendar year.

Voters will also be asked to approve the SAD 17 $38.2 million budget for 2015-16.